Wednesday 1 May 2013

Proxy war

In the words of Samuel Beckett, 'The Endgame' of the powerful in this 21st century appears to be quiet frightening with ordinary people losing their lives or getting badly hurt and such mindless happenings eludes ones understanding. However looking at it from a different perspective, like a thriller genre, it appears that  real super heroes fight against real villains.

The heroes and villains are out there but the point is we are unable to identify them.Our classics that speak of proxy war has Lord Rama shooting his arrow to kill Valli hiding behind Sugreiva and thus clinching the deal with Hanuman. Similarly Osama was shot dead and the entire operation was carried out under a blanket of secrecy, we still wonder who the Batman was and who was the real brain behind Osama's operations and still many theories are put forward about the good versus the evil. 

The recent Boston bombing only shows the Endgame is still not  over, but the shift is from secret attacks - this is on the open, more dangerous and scary, as the perpetuators are young and trained , but by whom? and why?.. answers are missing.So are we fighting a third world war? ...a cold war were the actual identities are not known or the reasons for such acts are not clearly understood, as we did when we studied about the first two world wars. only now we have the concept of terrorism, human bombs, suicide bombers , pressure cooker bombs , suitcase bombs, along side highly  sophisticated weapons like  night sensors, drone helicopters and remote sensors  and on the same planet we have people looking for food and safe water to drink! Freedom and security is vital as well as quality life for all, hence the struggle?